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(October 23 to November 21)

Scorpio, the eighth one in the list of zodiac signs, belongs to those born between the dates of October 23rd and November 21st. Learn all about the Scorpio zodiac sign below.

People born from October 23rd to November 21st are Scorpios, the eighth sign of the zodiac, known for their intensity, depth, and powerful emotional energy. If you're a Scorpio, you're all about the depths of experience. You're not one to take life at face value. Instead, you seek the truth in everything and are driven by a desire to uncover what's beneath the surface. Scorpios are the detectives of the zodiac, passionate and determined, with a keen sense of intuition. They are fiercely loyal, brave, and resourceful, often showing an incredible capacity for resilience and transformation. Scorpios envision a life where they can fully immerse themselves in their pursuits, forming deep and meaningful connections along the way. Forming a bond with a Scorpio can be a profoundly rewarding experience, as they are devoted, protective, and genuinely invested in the well-being of those they care about. However, their intensity and propensity for secrecy can sometimes make them challenging to get to know.

 Symbol  Scorpion
 Lucky Numbers  8, 11, 18
 Ruling Planet  Pluto/Mars
 Lucky Day  Tuesday
 Lucky Colour  Black
 Compatible Zodiac Signs  Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn
 Lucky Gemstones  Topaz, Malachite

Scorpio and their behaviour

Scorpios are deeply intense and focused individuals, known for their determination and passion. They possess a unique strength and mysterious aura, often choosing to observe and strategize before making their move. In both personal and professional settings, Scorpios seek depth and meaning, thriving on genuine connections. They are fiercely loyal, passionate, and can be secretive, guarding their privacy and the privacy of those they care about

Scorpio In Their Communications

Scorpios communicate with honesty and intensity. They might come off as reserved or mysterious, but that's because they choose their words carefully and prefer to share their thoughts and feelings with those they truly trust. They value deep connections and authenticity, often able to see through superficiality with ease. While Scorpios can be wary of betrayal and can hold onto grudges, their loyalty to those they love is unparalleled. They have a strong will and a deep inner strength that drives them to overcome any challenge.

Love & Relationships For Scorpio

In love, Scorpios are passionate and committed. They seek partners who are willing to explore the depths of emotion and intimacy with them. For Scorpios, love is an all-or-nothing experience, full of intensity and depth. They are magnetic and mysterious, drawing others towards them with their enigmatic presence. In a relationship, a Scorpio offers unwavering loyalty, a protective embrace, and a deep, transformative bond. They need trust and honesty above all and in return, offer a love that transcends the ordinary, marked by an unbreakable emotional connection.

5 Reasons To Love That You Are A Scorpio

Intensity and Depth: Scorpio, represented by the Scorpion, delves deep into the mysteries of life, their intensity and passion unmatched.
Magnetic Personality: Scorpios possess a magnetic charm that attracts others to them, often without effort.
Resilience: Like the mythical Phoenix associated with Scorpio, they rise from their own ashes, stronger than before.
Insightful: With a keen insight into human nature, Scorpios can see beyond the surface, understanding the true motives and feelings of others.
Loyalty: Once you've earned a Scorpio's trust, they are unwaveringly loyal, defending their loved ones with fierce dedication.

Lucky gemstones for Scorpio

The most auspicious stone for those born under the sign of Scorpio is Topaz. Wearing this stone can enhance Scorpio's natural intuition and determination, and help balance both their positive and negative traits. The metaphysical properties of Topaz, including its ability to promote focus and clarity, align well with Scorpio's quest for truth and self-improvement.

Element of Scorpio: Water

The Water element is yin or feminine, embodying a more introspective and reflective nature. It aligns with the Feeling type, denoting deep emotional undercurrents and a strong capacity for empathy. Water shapes its environment quietly but profoundly, symbolizing Scorpio's profound emotional depth and intuitive understanding.

The Only Motto To Live By For Scorpio

Love quote of the day imageThe greatest battle is not physical but psychological. The demons telling us to give up when we push ourselves to the limit can be silenced by the warrior spirit within us."Love quote of the day image

What to expect from Scorpio?

Expect a Scorpio to be deeply committed and intensely loyal. If you earn the trust of a Scorpio, they will be an unwavering ally, offering their support and protection. Scorpios are also known for their resourcefulness and determination, willing to go the distance for their goals or the people they care about. However, they value their privacy highly and expect the same respect for their boundaries in return.

Scorpios have a keen sense of what they like and are not afraid to pursue their passions with fervor. Their confidence in their convictions allows them to influence others with their intensity and dedication. Scorpios are also known for their perseverance and willpower, making them formidable in achieving their objectives. They approach their goals with a single-minded focus that is hard to match.

Best colours for Scorpio

Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio, infusing them with dynamic energy and a transformative spirit. The colors that best resonate with Scorpios are deep reds and blacks, symbolizing their passion, power, and depth. These colors enhance Scorpio's magnetic charm and mystery, while also reflecting their inherent strength and resilience.

How are Leo with money and work life?

Leos make excellent leaders but poor managers. Leos excel at managing the overall process, but they fall short when it comes to in-depth management. Leo has a lot of imagination and vision. Leo requires money to enjoy the many pleasures it offers.

Leo is more drawn to extravagant lifestyles that are rife with glitz and grandeur. Leos lead extravagant lives despite not having much money. As a result, Leos occasionally may experience financial difficulties. Leos often provide career opportunities for those in their immediate vicinity.

The name says it all

S for strategic

C for courageous

O for observant

R for resilient

P for passionate

I for intuitive

O for original

5 Unique Traits Of Scorpio

Intense and mysterious
Loyal but holds grudges
Passionate in all pursuits
Seeks deep connections
Has a magnetic presence

Best Career Choices For Scorpio

Detective image
Crisis manager image
Crisis manager
Psychotherapist image
Forensic scientist image
Forensic scientist
Investment banker image
Investment banker
Mystery novelist image
Mystery novelist

Top Scorpio Celebrities

Diego Maradona Image

Diego Maradona

Oct 30, 1960


Legendary Argentine footballer with a storied career.

Marie Antoinette Image

Marie Antoinette

Nov 02, 1755


Queen of France during the French Revolution.

Pelé Image


Oct 23, 1940


Brazilian football legend considered one of the greatest players of all time.

Drake Image


Oct 24, 1986


Successful rapper and music producer.

Ryan Reynolds Image

Ryan Reynolds

Oct 23, 1976


Versatile actor known for comedic and action roles.

Ryan Gosling Image

Ryan Gosling

Nov 12, 1980


Actor known for "La La Land" and "The Notebook."

Albert Camus Image

Albert Camus

Nov 07, 1913


Influential philosopher and author of "The Stranger."

Bjork Image


Nov 21, 1965


Eccentric singer known for her unique music and fashion.

Marie Curie Image

Marie Curie

Nov 07, 1867


Pioneer in radioactivity research and two-time Nobel laureate.

See All

Explore the 12 Zodiac Signs

Discover traits, personalities, characteristics and unique qualities of each zodiac sign
Aries Image


(March 21 to April 19)

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(April 20 to May 20)

Gemini Image


(May 21 to June 20)

Cancer Image


(June 21 to July 22)

Leo Image


(July 23 to August 22)

Virgo Image


(August 23 to September 22)

Libra Image


(September 23 to October 22)

Scorpio Image


(October 23 to November 21)
